What I could have preserved this weekend – but didn’t

As is usual for a Saturday, we went to the Oak Park Farmers Market, and yesterday we went to the Forest Park Farmers Market and bought some of the season’s last Mirai sweet corn.

I saw all sorts of things I could preserve. Apple season is in full swing, so I could have bought a bunch for dehydrating and/or making into jam or jelly. Instead, we bought only a bagful – for eating now. I could have had more blueberries for jam, and I could have bought tons of tomatoes for sauce and salsa.

But lately I’ve realized that it’s very easy for me to pile on too much, especially during weekends, and I really do need weekends to recover from the work week. I could spend the entire weekend making sauce and jam and what have you and not get a real weekend. In fact, I’ve done this several times lately, but it’s because I want to have this food over the winter and to cut down on the amount of pre-canned food that comes from far away. Besides that, it just tastes so much better.

Instead, all I’m going to do is freeze most of the Mirai sweet corn and freeze a few more bell peppers.

All the same, while I enjoy doing things for myself, I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it all preserved. I need a Preservation Fairy. Anyone know where I can get one of those?

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One Response to What I could have preserved this weekend – but didn’t

  1. Jacky says:

    You described my weekend too! I had big plans of stocking the freezer but with my husband out of town with the car and family in town, none of it happened. Except freezing the Mirai corn I picked up downtown on Thursday. Next weekend I hope.

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